— Tricia
"Mrs. Wesley did an outstanding job in creating an environment that we were all comfortable in and made sure we got to know one another, she also made sure that the content was relatable and understood by everyone. she is also very good at organizing the content online such that everything was easy to find and understand."
— Yvet
"These meetings definitely enhanced the class experience. They have created a space of familiarity between us that gave a feeling of togetherness, trust, and kindness. I appreciate the connections that we have established over the last months and feel very thankful for these meaningful and warm encounters."
— (Anonymous)
“She is very personable, very approachable, and very cheerful. She really helps you feel comfortable in the environment which is very important in a class like public speaking which tends to cause a lot of anxiety. She does a great job of listening to students and keeping an open dialogue. I think this was a great course and I would not prefer anyone else to teach it. Great job!”
— Shane
"I personally loved Mrs. Wesley’s class. It has absolutely been the most enjoyable and beneficial class of the semester for my future. I learned so many practical communication skills that can be applied in today’s world. I became confident at speaking. Believe it or not, I used to be scared of simple things like ordering a pizza over the phone. But after this class, I feel very comfortable speaking in front of and communicating in small or large groups. The instructor’s constructive feedback and teaching style made a huge part in my progress. Mrs. Wesley sure knows how to boost one’s confidence and bring out the genius in her students - both in and outside of the classroom. I always feel on top of the world after every session with her."
— Jamesha
"I really do love her courses. I appreciate how connection is the heart of what she does. Mrs. Wesley's class is one class I looked forward to everyday. I love how her course is structured and flows. I adore how she exchanges value while engaging with her audience. I especially love that my perception of her course turned out to be opposite. In the beginning, I thought that her course would be like every other one I have taken in the past, where professors just share knowledge and content. But Mrs. Wesley took hers multiple steps further. They were experiential, practical, and applicable. My thoughts on and approach to Communication have changed. Mrs. Wesley, thank you for believing in your students. Thank you for your kind and motivating words. Thank you for taking time to work with me. I really do appreciate it!"
— (Anonymous)
“Professor Wesley has been my favorite professor so far in my 3 years of being at college. She is understanding of students and the struggles that life throws their way, but maintains a certain standard for her students to live up too. All around she has an amazing love for teaching and her passion for communication shines through. You will not find a better International and Cross Cultural Communications professor. She is a fantastic human and teacher. She goes above and beyond to accommodate us students and understands how life impacts our coursework. The material and workload were breathable. I felt I could relax without the pressure of a pre-assigned grade, fully immerse myself in the learning experience, and fully comprehend the course material. Not only that but having fun while doing so! I'll be able to carry the lessons and concepts from the course into my future endeavors and everyday life, mediating my own intercultural and international interactions”
“I appreciated that I felt every activity and assignment was intentional. Mrs. Wesley's presentations in class always summarized and supplemented readings, extending what we learned independently through homework. The case studies were my favorite as it gave us an opportunity to discuss real-world current events and practice applying the lenses and methods we learned.”
— A Learner and Doer