Focus Check
Have you ever heard the saying that “whatever you focus on grows?” This is true for everything in and around this plane of existence we currently live in. Try focusing on something negative or positive for too long and you’ll begin to see it gain momentum. Why? Because where your attention goes, your energy flows. Doris, read this again!
One of the precious lessons I am learning through my growth journey is to focus on what I want rather than on what I don’t have or don’t like. This practice is different from recognizing unhealthy patterns and creating boundaries to avoid repetition.
For example, say your colleague, friend, or partner spoke in a way that you perceive is disrespectful to you, and you feel strongly that such action belittles you. When faced with this, some people might focus on blaming their partner/colleague/friend for hurting them, or on how their action has harmed them emotionally or otherwise.
If you’ve been in such a situation, I suggest that you focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want or don’t like. Answer these questions:
What will help rectify the situation right now?
What would you like your partner/colleague/friend to do next time a similar situation occurs?
What will help your mood right now?
Doris, by focusing directly on what you want, you eliminate much of the emotional pain and transference caused by criticizing or speaking angrily to yourself or others.
Where is your focus right now? If it is on what is wrong with your life, take a moment to shift it to what you want. Work only with what you want!